Dearest foodies of ParkSend Members, Before importing the delicious food into Singapore, all foodies should have a better understanding of the SFA restriction. If you are sending food for personal consumption, please take note of the restriction stated at SFA website at under "List of Food & Food Products Allowed"
Sending Food by Sea-freight As a single container is receiverd by a single entity in Singapore, it is always assumed that the food items in a sea-freight container will be above the limit for personal consumption i.e. permit is required for all food items, whatever the quantity. Therefore, it is the duty of the clearing agent to request for food permit when a food item appears in the list of items declared. However, the clearing agent will not request for a permit if no food item had been declared. So if you have incorrectly delared orders as food items and wish to correct them before consolidation, please Whatsapp our customer service at +6587765734.
Sending Food items by Sensitive Air. As an individual reciever of the parcel, the SFA food import limit for personal consumption can apply. If the category and quantity of food items your are importing adheres to the limit for personal consumption, no permit shall be required. Please visit under "List of Food & Food Products Allowed" for the lastest update.
Should you have any queries regarding the above. Please whatsapp our customer service at +6587765734 for clarification.