The China warehouse had announced the rest days for Chinese New Year 2024! Details as follows:
05/02/24(Mon): Half day(Till 11am) 06/02/24(Tue) to 18/02/24(Sun): Close for CNY 19/02/24(Mon): Open as usual
Singapore Delivery
09/02/24(Fri) - Reduced delivery capacity 10/02/24(Sat) to 12/02/24(Mon): Close for CNY 13/02/24(Tue): Back to usual
Whatsapp Customer Service Open as usual with delayed response
IMPORTANT: Please try to arrange your orders to be consolidated 1-2 days before the CNY holidays as there will probably be a mad rush. Do take note that the warehouse will be close at 11am sharp on 05/02/24(Mon).
ParkSend wishes all members a Happy and Prosperous Dragon Year!